Jerry Lee Ford - Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0 Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2nd Ed) 2008

Книга посвящена Ver2, Ver 3 Powershell'а

cmd.exe, данные передаются как текст => затруднения, когда ожидаемяй формат отличается от необходимого.
Windows PowerShell возвращает объекты, к свойствам или методом обращается второй командлет.
"With object piping, the programmer is relieved of the responsibility of formatting object data, significantly simplifying the scripting process." - стр. 9
Listing тут

"Windows PowerShell 2.0 includes several new language keywords. These keywords include
Data,  Cmdlet,  and  DynamicParam... number of cmdlets included with Windows PowerShell 2.0 exceeds 180, providing all sorts of new capabilities" - стр.12

" Windows PowerShell 1.0 and 2.0 were available as a free download provided by Microsoft and could be downloaded and installed  from  the  Microsoft  PowerShell  website  located  at" - стр. 13. Уже нет.
См тут.

"Don’t forget that if you are going to install Windows PowerShell 2.0 and you want to be able to take advantage of all of its features, you will need to install .NET 3.0 or .NET 3.5, depending on the features you want to be able to work with." - стр. 14

"Before PowerShell will allow to run your PowerShell script, need to set one of Windows PowerShell’s execution policy settings.
     • Allsigned.  Only  permits  scripts  that  have  a  trusted  signature  to  execute  on  your computer.
     • Remotesigned. Permits PowerShell scripts downloaded from the web to run only if they are from a trusted source.
     • Unresricted. Allows any PowerShell script to run on your computer.
enter the following command at the PowerShell command prompt.
Set-Executionpolicy Unrestricted
..  Run as Administrator option, and then run the command again" - стр. 15

"determine the status of the WinRM service by executing cmdlet at the Windows PowerShell command prompt.
Get-Service winrm
Start-Service winrm" - стр. 15
Но: "Windows PowerShell version 3 greatly enhanced remoting capabilities in the product" (отсюда)

"Windows PowerShell’s remote execution feature relies on the WS-Management protocol, it uses HTTP and exchange between the client and server are over port 80" - стр. 16

"By combining you can execute the Get-Help cmdlet to get help on any cmdlet
Help Get-* " - стр. 17

"In fact, in PowerShell you can run cmdlets and any executable file. One way to locate executable files is by using the Get-Command cmdlet as demonstrated below.
Get-Command *.exe...
 you could start the Notepad application by typing nnotepad and pressing Enter at the PowerShell command prompt" - стр. 20

"often you only need to type in as much as is required to uniquely identify a parameter from other parameters. As a result, you could retype the previous example as shown next and Windows PowerShell will recognize that the argument being passed is the Process-Name parameter.
Get-Process -ProcessN winword" - стр. 22

"так как многие командлеты ожидают параметры в определенной последовательности то допускаются сокращение и даже пропуск названия параметра
"Many cmdlets, including the Get-Process cmdlet, ... allowing you ... omit the -ProcessName or -p and supply just the name of a process.
Get-Process winword" - стр. 22

"The ? character is another wildcard matching 1 character, T*p match Tip or Top not Toooooooop." - стр. 24

" contents of your default path, start PowerShell and type $$env:path, as demon-strated here... PowerShell will search each of the following folders looking for the specified PowerShell script file.
$env:path" - стр. 25

"appending ./ in front of your PowerShell script filename, ... add the current folder to your search path" - стр. 26

1st listing